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Template Declaration HallwaySection


This class provides all definitions to describe the hallway specific light requirements. Each hallway section is equipped with

Postreferences:lsref Floor : h1
  lsref Floor : h2
  lsref Floor : h3
  lsref Floor : HALLWAYS


Function  numPB  NAT 
Intention : This parameter represents the number of push buttons that can be used by a person to control the ceiling light group in a hallway section by bypassing the machine.
Postreferences : lsref HallwaySection : Area


Class   Area(numLights  = 1, numPB  =  numPB)


: All definitions of description class Area are inherited. There is one ceiling light group in a hallway section that is controlled by the machine and there are numPB many push buttons for controlling this ceiling light group.


Object  eastMd  :  MotionDetector
NL : motion detector
Intention : This object represents the motion detector in a hallway section which is installed at the more eastern door of the hallway.
Prereferences : akref BD_14
Postreferences : msref HallwaySection : M_HS3
    dkref HallwaySection : D_HS1
    msref HallwaySection : M_HS4

Object  westMd  :  MotionDetector
NL : motion detectors
Intention : This object represents the motion detector in a hallway section which is installed at the more western door of the hallway.
Prereferences : akref BD_14
Postreferences : msref HallwaySection : M_HS3
    dkref HallwaySection : D_HS1
    msref HallwaySection : M_HS4

Object  middleMd  :  MotionDetector
NL : motion detectors
Intention : This object represents the motion detector in a hallway section which is installed in the middle of the hallway.
Prereferences : akref BD_14
Postreferences : msref HallwaySection : M_HS3
    dkref HallwaySection : D_HS1
    msref HallwaySection : M_HS4

Object  eastDoor  :  Door
Intention : This object represents the door at the eastern end of a hallway section.
Prereferences : akref BD_13
Postreferences : dkref Floor : D_F7
    dkref Floor : D_F8
    msref HallwaySection : M_HS4

Object  westDoor  :  Door
Intention : This object represents the door at the western end of a hallway section.
Prereferences : akref BD_13
Postreferences : dkref Floor : D_F7
    dkref Floor : D_F8
    msref HallwaySection : M_HS4

Time Constant  T_HS1 
NL : near-to-light delay
Intention : This constant represents the maximal delay between a time point a person is near a hallway door indicating that he wants to enter a hallway section and the time point the ceiling light group of this hallway section is on.
Scope : ev
Prereferences : pdref U14
Postreferences : msref HallwaySection : M_HS1
    rsref HallwaySection : R_HS1

Time Constant  T_HS2 
NL : nocontrol-to-light delay
Intention : This constant represents the maximal delay between a time point the ceiling light group of a hallway section is neither automatically nor manually controllable and the time point the ceiling light group in this hallway section is on.
Scope : ev
Prereferences : pdref NF5
Postreferences : rsref HallwaySection : R_HS2

Time Constant  T_OccReact 
Intention : This time constant represents the maximal time delay between the time point a hallway section becomes occupied and the time point one of the three motion detectors installed in a hallway section delivers a 1.
Scope : ev
Postreferences : dkref HallwaySection : D_HS1
    msref HallwaySection : M_HS5

Timed Predicate  nearHallwayDoor 
NL : near a hallway door
Intention : This predicate is true if and only if a person is near a hallway door to a hallway section indicating that he wants to enter this hallway section.
Scope : eh
Prereferences : pdref U14
Postreferences : rsref HallwaySection : R_HS1

Timed Predicate  hwLightUncontroll 
NL : hallway light uncontrollable
Intention : This predicate is true if and only if the ceiling light group in a hallway section is neither automatically nor manually controllable.
Scope : eh
Prereferences : pdref NF5
Postreferences : rsref HallwaySection : R_HS2

Property  D_HS1 
Formal : (  occFM. occEnv  T_OccReact (  eastMd. usedValue = 1
                                                           westMd. usedValue = 1
                                                           middleMd. usedValue = 1 ) )
NL : Whenever a hallway section is occupied then within T_OccReact milliseconds the motion detector installed at the more eastern door or the motion detector installed at the more western door or the motion detector installed in the middle of the hallway delivers a 1 and one of these motion detectors delivers a 1 at least as long as the hallway section is occupied.

And whenever a hallway section is not occupied then within T_OccReact milliseconds all three motion detectors installed in a hallway section delivers a 0 and remain delivering a 0 at least as long as the hallway section is not occupied.

Propreferences : rsref Area : R_A2


Property  R_HS1 
Formal : (  nearHallwayDoor  T_HS1  light[1]. sl. noMalSens. envEntity = 1 )
NL : Whenever a person is continuously near to a hallway door of a hallway section for at least T_HS_1 time units indicating that he wants to enter the hallway section, then the ceiling light group in this hallway section will be on within this time span, and remains on at least as long as the preconditions are fulfilled.

Property  R_HS2 
Formal : (  hwLightUncontroll  T_HS2  light[1]. sl. noMalSens. envEntity = 1 )
NL : Whenever the ceiling light group in a hallway section is controllable neither automatically nor manually for at least T_HS_2 time units, then eventually within this time span, the ceiling light group in this hallway section is on and remains so at least as long as the ceiling light group is controllable neither automatically nor manually.


Property  M_HS1 
Formal : (  T_HS1 = 50 )
NL : The value of T_ HS_1 is always 50 milliseconds.

Property  M_HS2 
Formal : (  manualControl  noSaveLight )
NL : Whenever the ceiling ight group in a hallway section is not controlled manually the light intensity in a hallway section that is occupied has to be greater than or equal to the light intensity needed to establish save light.

Property  M_HS3 
Formal : (  occFM. noMalOcc. areaEmpty
                     ( (  eastMd. usedValue = 0 )
                       (  westMd. usedValue = 0 )
                       (  middleMd. usedValue = 0 ) ) )
NL : The machine always assumes that there is currently no person in a hallway section if and only if the values of all three motion detectors are 0.
Propreferences : rsref Area : R_A2

Property  M_HS4 
Formal : (  CPFM. indicatorMalFct. informCondMach
                      eastMd. malSens. malDetMach
                      westMd. malSens. malDetMach
                      middleMd. malSens. malDetMach
                      eastDoor. doorClosedContact. malSens. malDetMach
                      westDoor. doorClosedContact. malSens. malDetMach
                      light[1]. sl. malSens. malDetMach
                      light[1]. pulse. malAct. malDetMach
                      light[1]. csa. malAct. malDetMach )
NL : The facility manager should be informed about a malfunction if one of the following sensors or actuators has a malfunction:
  • the motion detector installed at the more eastern door of a hallway section
  • the motion detector installed at the more western door of a hallway section
  • the motion detector installed in the middle of a hallway section
  • the door closed contact of the door at the eastern end of a hallway section
  • the door closed contact of the door at the western end of a hallway section
  • the status line of the ceiling light group
  • the pulse of the ceiling light group
  • the control system active of the ceiling light group

Property  M_HS5 
Formal : (  T_A1
            T_OccReact +  T_A2 +  light[1]. pulse. noMalAct. reactionTime )
NL : The time constant T_A1 is always greater than the sum of the time constants T_A2, T_OccReact, and the reaction time of the pulse of a ceiling light group.
Propreferences : rsref Area : R_A2

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