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Description Class BasicRoom


This class provides all definitions to describe the behavior common to any kind of room. This includes the definitions of the light and temperature control in a room as well as the aggregation of the objects that are installed in each room. In this class we do not consider such objects for which the number of installed instances can vary from room to room, e.g. the number of installed radiators. These objects are integrated in the derived description class Room.

Each room is equipped with


Object  RL  :  RoomLight
Intention : This object represents the part that describes the behavior of a room concerning the light control.

Object  RT  :  RoomTemperature
Intention : This object represents the part that describes the behavior of a room concerning the temperature control.

Object  md  :  MotionDetector
Intention : This object represents the room motion detector.

Object  rt  :  RoomTempSensor[3]
Intention : Each object represents one of the three air temperature sensors in a room.

Timed Function  valueEstimation  :  RoomTempSensor:: ROOM_TEMP,  RoomTempSensor:: ROOM_TEMP  RoomTempSensor:: ROOM_TEMP
Intention : This function represents the value determined for a room temperature sensor depending on the values of the other two room temperature sensors.
This function is used in the case of a malfunction of a room temperature sensor.
Scope : mh

Timed Predicate  malfunctionAllTempSens 
Intention : This predicate is true iff all temperature sensors of a room have a malfunction.
Scope : mh

Timed Predicate  malLight 
Intention : This predicate is true iff the machine assumes that the sensors, used to determine the settings of the actuators controlling the light, have such a serious malfunction that the settings of the actuators have to be determined using makeshift operations.
Scope : mh

Property  M_BaR1 
Formal : (  rt[1]. malSens. automaticDetermValue =
     valueEstimation( rt[2]. noMalSens. convertedEntity,
                                    rt[3]. noMalSens. convertedEntity) )
NL : If the first room temperature sensor has a malfunction its value is estimated using the other two room temperature sensors.

Property  M_BaR2 
Formal : (  rt[2]. malSens. automaticDetermValue =
     valueEstimation( rt[1]. noMalSens. convertedEntity,
                                    rt[3]. noMalSens. convertedEntity) )
NL : If the second room temperature sensor has a malfunction its value is estimated using the other two room temperature sensors.

Property  M_BaR3 
Formal : (  rt[3]. malSens. automaticDetermValue =
     valueEstimation( rt[1]. noMalSens. convertedEntity,
                                    rt[2]. noMalSens. convertedEntity) )
NL : If the third room temperature sensor has a malfunction its value is estimated using the other two room temperature sensors.

Property  M_BaR4 
Formal : (  malfunctionAllTempSens  rt[1]. malSens. malDetMach
                                                         rt[2]. malSens. malDetMach
                                                         rt[3]. malSens. malDetMach )
NL : All room temperature sensors have a malfunction iff the machine assumes for each room temperature sensor a malfunction.

Property  M_BaR5 
Formal : (  RL. occ. noMalOcc. emptyMach  md. usedValue = 0 )
NL : Concerning the light control the machine always assumes that there is currently no person in a room iff the value of the motion detector is 0.

Property  M_BaR6 
Formal : (  RT. modes. occ. noMalOcc. emptyMach  md. usedValue = 0 )
NL : Concerning the temperature control the machine always assumes that there is currently no person in a room iff the value of the motion detector is 0.

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