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Template Declaration BinarySensor


This class provides all definitions to describe the behavior of a binary sensor. This class is derived from the description class Sensor. The following specific parameters of a binary sensor are instantiated:

Postreferences:lsref StatusLine : BinarySensor
  lsref DoorClosedContact : BinarySensor
  lsref MotionDetector : BinarySensor




: All definitions of description class Sensor are also provided here using the values 0 and 1 as the possible values of the phenomenon existing in the real world, using the values 0 and 1 as the possible measured analog values, and using the values 0 and 1 as the possible digitally converted measured values.


Property  D_BS1 
Formal : (  noMalSens. conversionTime = 0 )
NL : The conversion time of a binary sensor is 0 milliseconds.
Prereferences : akref Table1

Property  D_BS2 
Formal : ( b  BINARY:  noMalSens. modifyReaction(b) = b )
NL : For a binary sensor the function representing the way in which a value in the real world (envEntity) is modified during the reaction of a sensor, resulting in a measured analog value (measuredEntity), is the identity.

Property  D_BS3 
Formal : ( b  BINARY:  noMalSens. modifyConversion(b) = b )
NL : For a binary sensor the function representing the way in which a measured analog value (measuredEntity) is modified during the conversion into a digital value (convertedEntity) is the identity.

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