A Note on a Paramterized Version of the Well-Founded Induction Principle Bernhard Gramlich Fachbereich Informatik, Universitaet Kaiserslautern D-67653 Kaiserslautern, GERMANY E-mail: gramlich@informatik.uni-kl.de Abstract The well-known and powerful proof principle by well-founded induction says that for verifying $\forall x : P(x)$ for some property $P$ it suffices to show $\forall x : [ [ \forall y < x : P(y) ] \implies P(x) ]$, provided $<$ is a well-founded partial ordering on the domain of interest. Here we investigate a more general formulation of this proof principle which allows for a kind of parameterized partial orderings $<_x$ which naturally arises in some cases. More precisely, we develop conditions under which the parameterized proof principle $\forall x : [ [ \forall y <_x x : P(y) ] \implies P(x) ]$ is sound in the sense that $\forall x : [ [ \forall y <_x x : P(y) ] \implies P(x) ] \implies \forall x : P(x)$ holds, and give counterexamples demonstrating that these conditions are indeed essential. Source anonymous FTP server ftp.uni-kl.de [] path: /reports_uni-kl/computer_science/SEKI/1995/ file: Gramlich.SR-95-08.ps.gz