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Template Declaration InformSensActMalFct


This class provides all specifications concerning the informing of a person about a malfunction of a sensor or actuator. This class is derived from the description class InformPerson. The following specific parameters are instantiated here:

Postreferences:lsref AreaCtrlPanelFM : indicatorMalFct
  lsref RoomCtrlPanel : indicatorMalFct
  lsref Floor : indicatorMalFctWestStaircase
  lsref Floor : indicatorMalFctEastStaircase


Class   InformPerson


: All definitions of description class InformPerson are inherited.


Property  M_ISAMF1 
Formal : (  T_MinInf = 10000 )
NL : The minimal time a person is informed about a malfunction of a sensor or an actuator is 10 seconds.

Property  M_ISAMF2 
Formal : (  T_MaxInf = 86400000 )
NL : The maximal time a person is informed about a malfunction of a sensor or an actuator is 24 hours.

Property  M_ISAMF3 
Formal : (  T_InfDelayNew = 100 )
NL : The maximal delay between the time point a sensor or an actuator has an malfunction and the time point the indicator light is on is 100 milliseconds.

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